Automatic weather station
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Fengtu technology outdoor environmental weather station

Fengtu technology outdoor environmental weather station

Fengtu outdoor environmental weather station is suitable for agriculture, scientific research and meteorological fields, and is a highly integrated sensor integrated product.

2023-07-14 10:50:15
The scenic weather station provides tourists with various real-time meteorological data

The scenic weather station provides tourists with various real-time meteorological data

Scenic weather station is a practical automatic weather station for scenic users. It can measure wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall and other conventional meteorological elements.

2023-07-14 10:47:19
Agricultural four situation equipment manufacturers

Agricultural four situation equipment manufacturers

Agricultural instrument equipment manufacturer -- Shandong Fengtu Iot Technology Co., LTD.

2023-07-14 10:43:57
What are the instruments and equipment of weather stations, that is, meteorological observation instruments and equipment

What are the instruments and equipment of weather stations, that is, meteorological observation instruments and equipment

The meteorological station observation instrument is a multi-factor automatic observation station researched and developed by Fengtu according to the meteorological observation standard of WMO.

2023-07-14 10:40:24
What are the functions of small automatic weather stations

What are the functions of small automatic weather stations

Small automatic weather station models are FT-QC5, FT-QC6, FT-QC7, FT-QC8, FT-QC9, FT-QC10,FT-NYQX for you to choose from, to meet your needs.

2023-07-14 10:38:01
What are the instruments used in weather stations

What are the instruments used in weather stations

The so-called meteorological environmental monitoring is the monitoring and early warning of meteorological environmental conditions through weather stations, which is an essential basic work for meteorological forecasting.

2023-07-13 14:14:28