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Agricultural weather station, using data to control the climate environment

author:Automatic small weather station   出处: weather station     Update time:2024-07-02

Morels is a precious edible fungus, its nutritional value is very high, because it looks like the belly of sheep, so the name "morels". Morels are wild species, if you want to artificial cultivation, you have to take into account the meteorological conditions.

Artificial breeding of wild bacteria is the use of technology to create a suitable growth environment for it, in order to break the specific growth season of morels.

Temperature condition

The temperature of the growth environment of morchella mycelium can not be lower than 18℃, and can not exceed 22℃. The temperature at which spores are distributed should be kept above 15 ° C and not above 18 ° C. The temperature of fruiting body growth can not be lower than 10 ° C, can not exceed 22 ° C. The temperature requirement during the growth of morel is relatively low, and it can be planted well by creating a good temperature for it.

Light condition

Morchella is a cool species, strict to light. To avoid the light shining on the bacteria, it is necessary to create a low light environment or no light environment. However, light can promote the development of fruiting bodies, so weak astigmatism is best.

Moisture condition

The mycelium medium moisture of morchella can not be less than 60%, not more than 65%, the fruity body requires air humidity not less than 80%, not more than 90%, and the soil moisture content in the mycelium growth stage is controlled at about 50%.

Artificial cultivation of morel needs to ensure that temperature, light, moisture, etc. are consistent with its growth needs, and create suitable and powerful climatic conditions for it, so as to ensure the ideal yield.

Fengdu Technology agricultural weather station is designed for agriculture, if you do not know how to control the climate environment, you can try to install a meteorological equipment, real-time observation of temperature and humidity, light, precipitation and other factors, as the basis for climate control.

Agricultural weather station, using data to control the climate environment